Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ludwing Von Bertalanffy: the man behind the Theory of Systems

Today, I write about the author of General Theory of Systems: Mrs. Von Bertalanffy. He born in 1901, in Austria. He studied in the University of Innsbruk and the University of Viena. Also, he obtain a scholarship of Rockefeller Fundation for study in the University of Chicago.
From the field of biology, which he suggested a theory of open systems in physics and biology (1950), he devised an explanation of life and nature as a complex system. This system is subject to interactions and dynamics. More later, he moved the analysis to social reality and to structures of organization with the name of General Theory of Systems. After three decades of development, this proposition appeared in the book with the same name (1969).
I like him, because I considered that he was a visionary. From his theory we can to understand the organizations as an integrated whole, where each part is important. Also, included the environment factor as a variable that influences in the organization, and therefore, in the management decisions.


  1. Hi Píli!

    Your post very interesting Pili, I did not know Ludwig. Well written.

    Bye! i see the next class!

  2. Humberto Maturana is much better :D (well.. in my opinion)

  3. Do you like Humberto Maturana? I like him, too. Specially "Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living"...
    Well, see you in class! :)

  4. Pilar is a very interesting person!I think your post is perfect :)

    See you!

  5. Hello Pilar!!
    Is very interesting your topic, because the person that your admire is the creator of General Theory System, a revolutionary for of think the organizations.
    I see you and visit my blog!
